Donation dates will be communicated via our Nixon Newsletter!
For questions, email
The Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity (METCO) was created over 40 years ago by urban and suburban educational collaborators who believed that all children should have access to quality education in suburban school districts. The Sudbury Public School PK-8 system enrolled its first students on January 27, 1975, when forty students were placed in the five Sudbury Elementary Schools. Currently, this grant-funded program supports seventy students annually. Students completing grade 8, and any other student(s) leaving the Sudbury METCO Program, are replaced with the number of new elementary students needed to maintain the set number of 70 for the next fiscal year.
New Family
Our PTO welcomes new families to Nixon, whether you are an incoming Kindergartener, transferring from another school or if you have just moved to town. Please see our calendar for upcoming New Family events!
Some of the initiatives the PTO participates in or leads:
Kick-off to Kindergarten - January for incoming Kindergarten parents/guardians only
Kindergarten Orientation - June for incoming Kindergarten parents/guardians and students
New to Nixon Orientation - August for families who have moved to our district or transferred to Nixon from another school
Kindergarten Welcome Event - August/September for Kindergarten parents/guardians and students
Nixon Playground Playdate - August/September for Kindergarteners to meet classmates before their first day of school
New Family Meet ups - All year for families who come to Nixon mid-year
To get involved or if you are a new family with questions, email our committee at
Our PTO participates in Back to School Night, an event held in September which provides an opportunity for families to tour the school, visit classrooms, hear presentations from teachers and administrators and access resources related to the school and community. Please visit our PTO table and talk to some of our volunteers and learn how you can get involved.
Alumni Lunch
In the spring, Lincoln-Sudbury High School Graduating Seniors who attended Nixon Elementary visit with the Nixon Graduating 5th Graders and share what their plans are for after high school. The PTO provides lunch for this event.
For questions, email
School Beautification
The PTO donates supplies for bulletin boards and plants for school beautification. Our volunteers work hard to make our school welcoming.
For questions, email