SPS Leadership & PTO collaboration


Our Nixon PTO co-chairs have monthly meetings with superintendent, Brad Crozier, and the other SPS PTO co-chairs in order to stay up to date on district changes and events, share ideas, and collaborate on  PTO planning.  The co-chairs also have a monthly meeting with our principal, Susan Woods, to plan events, coordinate enrichment, and discuss fundraising needs.  Co-chairs report information from these meetings during our regular PTO meetings.  


Our school community is also invited to attend all SPS school committee meetings to learn about operations, goals and inquire about concerns.


If you have any questions/concerns about happenings in the classroom, please email your classroom teacher.  Staff Directory


For questions or concerns regarding the greater school community, you can email:


Susan Woods

Nixon Elementary Principal



For questions/concerns regarding Sudbury Public Schools in general,  you can email:


Brad Crozier
Superintendent of Schools




The School Committee is responsible for keeping the local citizenry informed about the schools and for keeping itself and the school staff informed about the needs and wishes of the public.  In contrast to the Committee, which has budgetary, and policy-making authority, the Superintendent is charged with the day-to-day administration and oversight of the SPS.


The Committee typically holds public meetings two times per month during the academic year and one time each in July and August. There is opportunity for public input at each regular school committee meeting. Additionally, contact can be made with the whole Committee by emailing school-committee@sudbury.k12.ma.us (this will also be sent to the superintendent).   You can also email members individually. 


Recent school committee meetings may be viewed online on SudburyTV.  Meetings prior to March 2016 may be viewed on SudburyTV's older PegCentral site.



No Upcoming Events
PTO Events. PTO Meetings
Nixon Calendar  SPS Calendar