Please join us for Nixon's 2021 virtual Science Fair!

The goals of the Science Fair are to explore science, technology, and engineering and to experience the scientific method of discovery. 

Science Fair Time Line Printable Handout


Science Fair Participant Resources

So, how do you develop a great project idea? Look at science, engineering and technological questions that are part of your daily life; at home, at the playground, at school, or in your backyard and select a topic that interests you! Then, plan your project using the Scientific Method. 

Can you do your project with a friend? Of course! What a fun way to connect with a friend.


The Scientific Method Printable Handout


What should your presentation include?

Watch some elementary school kids talk about their projects. Explain what you did and how you did it! Kid Science Fair presentations 

Here is an excellent presentation from a Second Grader about snow! WATCH HERE!

Here is a Third Grader talking about Germs! WATCH HERE!

Here is a Second Grader giving a demonstration on Water Dynamics! WATCH HERE!

Tips for presenting on camera:

  • Use pictures or diagrams instead of words.
  • Do a demonstration instead of making a poster.
  • Perform an experiment and describe what is happening.
  • Zoom in close to anything that might be hard to see. 
  • Keep it concise and to the point. Plan to present for 2-3 minutes.


 If you want to make a poster here is a standard format to organize your information. 


Need help choosing an idea? 

Presentations will be made available for our Nixon Community to view, ask questions and make comments starting on April 28th. There will be guest scientists who are looking forward to learning about your amazing discoveries!


- Science Fair Committee